12 years later… 9/11/01

20130912-175550.jpgNew Memorial in Washington Township, PA

12 years ago… all our lives changed.

I remember being in the 7th grade when it happened. And 12 years later, it’s still a very hard concept to comprehend. But I think this anniversary was better than the rest because I was talking with other people about how they remembered that day.

And one community remembered it with a new memorial and for me, it was an honor to get a sneak peak of the memorial before the dedication and to see how it was more than just a tribute but a structure that would impact the future.

The folks I talked to mentioned something that I never thought of before. And that’s, we’re moving in a direction where younger generations wouldn’t know 9/11 as a memory, only as a lesson from a history book. So with that mission, this community created a memorial that would honor those we lost and help the future learn about our past.

This was how I marked the 12th anniversary of 9/11.


Until next time,


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