Meet George my pet…. Plant!

Well, I thought it was about time you all met my pet… plant! Yes, pet plant. Gotta start small before I branch off into the real pet territory. Anywho,  when I first moved out here I went to the downtown farmer’s market and saw this plant stand and I talked with the owner about plants and I thought… hmm it would be great to have a plant!

So a couple of weeks ago, I went back to the market and back to Janet’s Plant shop and decided to get my pet plant!


Posing with my pet plant.. George!

And I already decided that I would name my plant George and I think it works for him. Yes, even with white flowers, my plant is still a boy! But back to George, I think he likes this penthouse view from my balcony and his vintage pot from Goodwill 🙂

20130827-181814.jpgNow look at that! That my friends looks like a happy plant!

So now you all have met my pet plant, George! So far so good. I’m a little worried about when winter comes because he’s an outside kind of plant but I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Until next time,


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