when life happens….

Man, it’s been awhile since I was here.

I’ve definitely let this aspect of my life go because other parts of life were happening. And happening so fast.

I started a new job, moved to a new city nearly seven months ago. Is that really possible? Did time fly by that fast?

When I checked my archives for my last post here — it was Sept. 11th. Nearly four months ago. And it feels like yesterday, I was setting up a post and then… life happened again.

But while life was happening, I was learning a lot, experiencing a lot, embracing a lot.

Since life happened, I’ve covered breaking news stories.

I’ve anchored not one but several newscasts — solo!

I’ve turned 25! (that one still freaks me out — quarter of a century club)

I’ve been reunited with old friends.

I’ve brought in another year.

Just a few things that happened since we last talked.

And with bringing in a new year, I bought in new resolutions. Of course, the usual like half the world, I hope to get fit, get healthy and loose those 10 lbs. But I’m also trying to get back in the habit with this.

All while life was happening, I kept taking pictures and writing down ideas for future blog posts, I just needed a push to get back to the laptop to type.

So here I am. Day 8 of the new year, I’m trying to get back in the habit. I write every day in multiple ways and forms for my job so I’m not rusty in the writing department. And trust me since life has been happening I have plenty of stories and experiences to share. A lot can happen in a few months especially when you didn’t realize time was moving so fast — and right under your nose.

So, I’m back, at least I’ll try to be back. Try to get back in the habit.

Til next time,


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