Why hello DC, I’ve returned!

I haven’t been in the district for 24 hours yet and I already feel like this is where I belong at the moment. But before I had this calm sense of acceptance in the city, my first several hours were hectic, crazy and everything but smooth!

I made good time getting into the city but of course, I couldn’t just find the building I needed. My Mom and I got lost and saw more of George Washington University’s campus than we thought we would but after 30 plus minutes of an impromptu tour of downtown DC, we found my building and moved in.

My place is nice and it’s free, so I can’t complain about this rent free lifestyle that I’ll be living for the next two months. But of course, I didn’t have time to chill or unpack because I had to make a mad dash to the train station with my Mom and still figure out where my pride and joy (aka my car, Silver) would reside!

So after a busy, busy morning and afternoon, everything worked out. I figured out how to get to the supermarket, found a good home for Silver and I still know my way on the metro (which is always a #WIN). Now, don’t get me wrong, I still CAN’T drive in the city because I got honked at probably half a dozen times and I still highly dislike roundabouts in any way, shape or form but I do recognize roads and streets and that was comforting to know!

But I’m still ready to learn more. Because I’m living on GW’s campus and I’m literally right by Georgetown, I’m ready to see what that area has to offer! It’s like I’m back in D.C. which I do know but I’m living in an area that I don’t know. So I feel like I came back home to an old house that’s in a new neighborhood — weird comparison I know but that’s how I feel.

And needless to say, after an eventful day of traveling, moving, and getting lost, it ended well. I had a chance to meet a few of the interns from NPR and it was nice to see who I’d be working with this summer! Plus I realized how small D.C. really was when I ran into a few of my fellow D.C. peeps from last summer on campus.

This reminded me that this is probably the best place to be at this moment – God has a plan and I feel like his plan is to have me here! We’ll see what happens but until then….just know I’m D.C. chillin!

Peace & Love,


3 thoughts on “Why hello DC, I’ve returned!

  1. Pingback: Holy crap it’s JUNE! | This is my so-called life

  2. Pingback: It’s my 200th Post-day! | This is my so-called life

  3. Pingback: 13 months and counting… | This is my so-called life

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